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Chapter 2:

Translator: Syren
Editor: Devlin

The rice dumplings Xie Liao Liao’s mother makes are always very delicious. 

Chestnut, shrimp, dried mushroom and lean meat are chopped and mixed together before being wrapped up in glutinous rice dough to make little dumplings. It is the ultimate treat to the taste buds.

Xie Liao Liao would usually devour two dumplings at a time. However, today she was a total contrast of her usual self. Sitting on the coach, she listlessly peeled off the leaves as she watched television.
“That boy, He Lin, is really outstanding. According to his mother, he won first place in the National Olympic Games Junior Championship when he was in primary school. In middle school, he was specially recruited by the provincial sports school because he played well in basketball. Then, he was admitted to the key class of the provincial key middle school after scoring very well in the entrance examination, and plans to further his studies in Beijing University in the future…”

There was no end of the praises. Xie’s mother kept on talking about how good He Lin was upon returning from next door.

“The awards and medals he had won since young are all lined up and hung on the walls of their apartment unit. Not only does this boy excel in studies, he also participates in numerous extracurricular activities. Moreover, he is very sensible and polite.”
She paused and looked at Xie Liao Liao. “When He Lin greeted you earlier, why didn’t you reply? I’ve told you many times that not replying a person’s greeting is very rude.”
Xie Liao Liao hugged her pillow tightly and did not reply.


It was so awkward earlier. He Lin had gotten off his bicycle to stand next to it as he looked at her thoughtfully. “Oh, so you’re also in your first year of high school.”

There was a refreshing smile on his face.

There was no malice in his words, but it seemed to Xie Liao Liao that he was mocking her.

He was ridiculing her over the fact that she was short for her age.

What should I say? ‘Sorry that I thought you were a perverted stalker’? Xie Liao Liao was at a loss for words since it was the truth anyway and it was awkward to bring it up again.


In the end, Xie Liao Liao decided to change the topic in hopes of escaping the awkward air between them.

She took out the art-science registration form that Mr Chen Qi Dong distributed earlier and placed it in front of her mother, who instantly stopped talking. “The teacher said that we’ll be separated into different streams next week; either arts or science streams. We need our parents or guardians to sign it.”

Xie Liao Liao’s father finally turned away from the television and asked, “What do you plan on choosing?”

“Science”, Xie Liao Liao answered.

Her father nodded in agreement, “Science stream is good. You’ll have more choices when you further your studies in university. You could also become a researcher. But the most important thing is whether you like it or not.”

“But wouldn't it be tough for a girl to choose science stream?” Her mother was worried. “Most of the students who are in the science stream are boys. Can Liao Liao even compete with them? Wouldn’t it be safer for a girl to study in the arts stream? It will be easier to get a job too.”

“So what if the science stream has students who are mostly boys? Is our Liao Liao weaker than them?” her father refuted. He lowered the television volume, “I think it'd be great for Liao Liao to choose science stream since she has always liked numbers since she was a kid. Even if she were to enter the arts stream, there is no guarantee that she would excel in it.”

Xie Liao Liao's mother relented. It was a fact that Xie Liao Liao has never liked historical articles as  they were tedious and boring to her. She was very good with numbers. Even as a child, Xie Liao Liao could remember her phone number and mathematical formula after just seeing it once. Moreover, all her science-related subjects had high scores.

However, Xie Liao Liao's mother was not going to concede so easily and pushed the art-science registration form into Xie Liao Liao’s hands, “Isn't He Lin, from next door, choosing streams as well? Since both of you are in the same school, you could ask for his opinion. See what he wants to choose, and you two can discuss it over with each other.”
Xie Liao Liao looked at her mother in discomfort, "Why do I need to ask for his opinion?”

"His grades are outstanding. Surely, he will know more than us. There's no harm in asking him", her mother replied.

"How much more would he know? He's just a student too", Xie Liao Liao mumbled.

However, it would seem that even her father thought that it would be a great idea to discuss it over with He Lin. Seeing that both Liao Liao and He Lin are students, they both may have a lot in common and could get along well with each other.

Little did he know, Xie Liao Liao actually disliked dealing with people she was not close to; especially someone of the same age but almost 30cm taller. Just thinking about striking a conversation with He Lin set her thoughts in a disarray. We're both 16, but why must he be so much taller than me?!

Despite her objections, Liao Liao was pushed out of the apartment unit by her parents.

Standing at the doorstep of unit 1902, Xie Liao Liao held on tightly to the art- science registration form in her hands. It was only next door yet her feet felt frozen to the porcelain floor tiles. She was unable to take another step.

Not long ago, I'd blocked the occupant of this apartment unit in the lift, and did not respond when he'd greeted me. How could I ever ask him which stream is of his choice now?

Xie Liao Liao was hesitant. She didn't want to enter the unit. For a long time, she just stood at that doorstep; raising and lowering her hand repeatedly. In the end, she could not muster the courage to knock at the door.

Forget it, she thought to herself. Although they were living on the same floor, they might not even talk again in the future. Even if they were to meet in school, it will probably be just a nod of greeting or acknowledgement. That would be it. They are of the total opposite to each other and do not have the same circle of friends.

Why should I struggle like this? She thought to herself groomily. Then, an idea came to her. She could just stand there a little longer before returning to her own apartment unit. Her mother would not be the wiser.

Once she had made up her mind, Xie Liao Liao moved to sit by the doorstep to wait it out. However, before she could do anything, the door in front of her suddenly opened and a stand figure stood at the entrance.

He Lin wore a plain white t-shirt and sports pants. His hair was damp and ruffled as if he had just taken a shower and was in the midst of drying off his hair with a towel. 

The refreshing fragrance of the soap whiffed towards Xie Liao Liao and she froze.

He Lin seemed surprised to see her upon opening the door.

Xie Liao Liao fumbled for an excuse to explain why she was at his doorstep, but the only thing that came out was, “Where are you headed to?”

He Lin held up his wallet and replied, “To buy vinegar.”

Then he raised a brow and smiled slightly, “How about you? Why were you standing at my doorstep?”

Xie Liao Liao couldn’t answer, after hesitating for a while, she decided to change the topic, “My Mom wanted me to ask if the rice dumplings she made tasted good.”

She regretted it the instant she uttered those words. The awkward silence between them was unbearable.

Thankfully, He Lin didn’t think much about it and the corners of his mouth curled up. He smiled and answered honestly, “It's delicious. Please thank Auntie for me.”

Xie Liao Liao nodded meekly. She has given a sufficient excuse and can finally escape this awkwardness. She began to head back to her apartment unit.

However, before she could go any further, He Lin abruptly called out to her. “Wait. Let me grab something.” Without waiting for a reply, he went back into his apartment.

Xie Liao Liao was able to see his spacious living room from the bright hallway.

Why did he want me to wait by the door if he wanted to grab something? Xie Liao Liao observed with curiosity but her question was soon answered. He Lin came back out with a big pack of colourful sweets in his hand.

He bent down slightly and gave the pack to her. “I bought this from the supermarket after school had ended. You like to eat sweets, so here, this is a gift in return for those rice dumplings Auntie gave.”

Xie Liao Liao was taken by surprise and just stared at him without taking the sweets, “How did you know that I liked sweets?”

If she was not mistaken, this was the first day they have met each other.

He Lin looked taken aback by Xie Liao Liao’s question. He either did not seem to know how to answer, or was just upset that he might have said the wrong thing. Rubbing the back of his neck and looking away uncomfortably, his amber eyes stared at the corridor window, as if searching was an answer. After a few seconds, he turned back and gave a slow smile.

“I guessed”,  he answered in a low voice, “Don’t all girls like it?”

He looked sincere; as if it was really a casual gift to a new neighbour.

Xie Liao Liao stared at him for a long while before taking the heavy bag of sweets from him. No longer able to meet his gaze, she said in a quiet voice, “Thank you.”

Xie Liao Liao spent her weekend just finishing up on her assignments. There were many assignments and the workload was quite a bit that she never went out. It was tedious and kept her stuck in her room but she did not see He Lin again. A part of her was happy since things were still slightly awkward after he had given her the pack of sweets.

On Monday morning, Xie Liao Liao did her usual school day routine. She changed into her school uniform, checked if she had packed all of her assignments, and took her weekly living expenses from her parents. She left the apartment after finishing her breakfast.

Her apartment was quite far from the school and there was only a public bus which runs every half an hour. Although she would usually wake up very early to wait for the bus, she would barely make it to class by the time she reached the school. 

However, things were not going as smoothly as expected today. Despite arriving at the station at 6.25am, which was a few minutes earlier than usual, the bus seemed to be delayed. Thirty minutes passed and most of the people had decided to leave while Xie Liao Liao continued to stand there with her backpack; waiting for the late bus to arrive. 

The self- study class starts early every morning at 7.50am. About 40 minutes is needed to travel from her apartment to the school, and another 5 more minutes to walk to the classroom. If the bus does not show up in time, she will definitely be late today.

At the thought of the stern yet unselfish head teacher, Xie Liao Liao pressed her lips silently. Every Monday morning, students from the school council will stand by the door to check the students. Points will be deducted for tardiness, dyeing of hair, and improper appearances.

If a student’s merit points get too low, they would not be in the top class in the weekly selections. The head teacher is very concerned about this and so, if someone in class gets deducted points, he will punish them without mercy.

Xie Liao Liao who was deep in thought slowly became aware that someone was calling out to her, “Hey, Xie Liao Liao. Why aren’t you leaving yet?”

There was a cool breeze; like having a mint candy early on a summer morning.

Xie Liao Liao turned and saw He Lin who was standing next to his bicycle, looking at her intently.

She hesitated for a moment before finally answering, “I’m waiting for the bus.”

He Lin frowned. He had heard her closing her apartment door to leave for school when he woke up in the morning, but she was still waiting for the bus after about 30 minutes, “I heard that an accident happened nearby. There is a traffic jam and it is doubtful that the bus will show up anytime soon.”

Xie Liao Liao’s heart sank.

He Lin continued, “Would you like to ride with me?”

Xie Liao Liao was surprised and unconsciously shook her head, “No thanks.I’ll just wait for a little more.”

He Lin's dark brown eyes watched her for a while longer before finally getting onto the bicycle to ride off. Xie Liao Liao continued to wait for the bus.

After a few minutes, it would seem that He Lin was telling the truth since not only was the bus she was waiting for delayed, but some other public buses as well.

Xie Liao Liao couldn’t help but to grip her bag tightly. She was getting more anxious. Several people had already taken taxis and she was the only one left at the station.

Xie Liao Liao could take a taxi to school as the others did, but the living expenses her mother gave was not much. So, if she were to spend on a taxi, she would have to starve for the rest of the week.

As she was contemplating between being late or starving for days, a screeching sound of a bicycle coming to an abrupt stop was heard. He Lin had returned and the neon yellow bicycle was parked next to her. The early morning Sun rays shone on his handsome face. He looked clean and refreshing.

This time, he did not ask if she was willing or not. He just said, “Hop on. I’ll take you to school”

Xie Liao Liao stood there stunned. She was surprised that he had circled back.

He Lin gave a mischievous yet kind smile, “I purposely came back to fetch you. You wouldn’t want both of us to be late, right?”

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