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Chapter 1:

Translator: Devlin
Editor: Devlin

The day of the funeral was grand and majestic. Although the weather was terrible, the elegant chant rang clearly in the rain.


It was a good day to laugh at the death of the Duchess who had betrayed her husband.


Once the chanting was over, the priest stepped forward to recite a prayer.






There was a loud crash as the funeral parlour’s door broke when it was forcefully pushed open.



 “Oh my God!”



“Who are you?!”



The cause of the ruckus was the late Duchess’ husband- Dehart Inverness, the Duke of the Northern state. He looked beyond enraged as he stride passed the onlookers towards the coffin. There was a sudden stillness in the room and everyone felt awkward as if they were not meant to see the scene that was taking place.



“Didn’t he say that he was unable to attend?”


“What the hell is this…?”


After a while, the whisperings of the onlookers subsided as a very pale face Dehart looked into the coffin.


“… ridiculous.”


His voice was filled with anguish and coldness. There was a great sadness in his eyes.


“This can’t be real. You… really…”



Both of Dehart’s hands covered his face.


I have no choice but to accept what I’ve been trying to deny as I travelled here.


The wife whom I have always loved and despised is really dead.






Laying there in the coffin with a serene face, his wife’s soul had departed. Dehart was all alone.


Unconsciously, Dehart kneeled in front of the coffin.


“No, I can’t let you leave me like this.”



He had only finally gotten to know Sebelia but she was no longer by his side. In his absence, she must have struggled in pain until she finally succumbed to her death.


“Sebelia… No… Please… No…”


Now, there was no way of him ever getting the chance to ask her for forgiveness.


He was filled with regret.








[Back then in the past]



In Inverness mansion which stood proudly on Hillend Hill, only the sound of birds chirping could be heard instead of an ominous chant.


There, Sebelia stood still in front of the property’s greenhouse.


This mansion is like a dense web.


At some point, Sebelia began to feel that way about the mansion. Just like a web, it held on to her tightly, slowly eating away at her.


I must have made a wrong choice somewhere.


Right on cue, the butler’s brusquely called out to Sebelia and stopped her train of thoughts, “I am certain that you will find it difficult if you run into the Duke like this now. I’m afraid that you will have to go now.” 


The butler, who wore a monocle, glanced at his watch before turning around quickly. It was as if he expected Sebelia to follow after him like a child.


It was a truly discourteous attitude to have towards Sebelia since she was the Duchess. Although he had not raised his voice, she knew that his brusque attitude was not something that can be done. It was no different that the way her husband-who spends most of his time in the greenhouse- treats her.


Such treatment was normal back from before she was married. Thus, it was something that she had always put up with. But from the looks of it, nothing really has changed.


In the eyes of many, it was a forced marriage between the Duke and an illegitimate child whose face had never been seen by the members of the public. 


In actual fact, it was an arbitrary marriage that her late father wanted in the name of harmony with a political opponent. 


It was foolish of me to expect good treatment and it is not that I hate my husband.




However, I wanted to love you.


I wanted to love and be loved by you. That’s why I tried so hard. But even that seemed like a scheme to betray you.


Sebelia smiled bitterly, sighed and dusted off her clothes.


But today shall be the last time.


 “Are you leaving yet?”


The butler frowned. There was disapproval written on his face. Sebelia ignored him and held the doorknob.


“Madame, it won’t be polite—”


The butler was about to ‘advise’ her as always.


However, instead of staying silent as usual, Sebelia answered back, “So?”


 “Are you going to teach me manners?”




The butler glared at her in a fit of anger and it surprised her. His eyes were icy blue and gave her the chills- like that of the dead..




Unconsciously, the butler shrank back. Sebelia gave him a dry look and went through the door.


“I’d like to accompany my husband with his hobby today” Sebelia said firmly upon glaring at the dazed butler.


 “You do not have to wait for me. You may return to the mansion.”


Sebelia then closed the door of the glass greenhouse behind her.








There was an overwhelming sweet scent in the air and brought Sebelia to silence.  Slowly walking further into the greenhouse, Sebelia spotted her husband amongst the bush roses. Despite the coldness in his appearance, he was handsome. He had golden eyes with jet black hair. He looked like a magnificent statue.


 “I don’t remember inviting you in.”






 A sharp sound from the scissors was heard as he pruned the roses. Dark, penetrating golden eyes bored at her as if she was an unwanted shadow.




Lips that looked perfectly sculptured moved and called out her name. Even though the corners of his mouth were slightly curved upwards, it was not a smile at all. He was always indifferent to her presence.


He was Dehart, the cursed heir of the Inverness lineage.


-And a husband who pushes me away and despises me.


Sebelia looked at him as if it was the very last time she would ever see him.


If one ever needed a place to keep their soul in, this would be the last place they should consider…


A cold voice rang in her ears. Sebelia shook her head sharply to get rid of that voice.


 “I don’t understand why you are here.”


When Sebelia came to her senses, Dehart was staring at her with the same indifferent, nonchalant look he always had..


“I think I need an explanation.”


Even though there was a lack of emotion in his voice, there was an underlying force that demanded for her reply. Sebelia slowly inhaled.


“I’m here to talk to you.”


The man closed his eyes and sighed. He then flung away the pair of scissors as if it was causing him pain. A loud unpleasant clank rang out in the greenhouse as the metal of the scissors fell on the table.


“Hopefully, it will be worth interrupting my valuable time.”


Dehart removed his gloves and threw them aside as he continue to glare at Sebelia.


“Tell me.”


The man’s head was slightly raised up in an arrogant manner. As Dehart glared at Sebelia, she could hear a voice.


Don’t be a pushover like last time.


At that familiar warning, Sebelia gave a somewhat mysterious smile. However, it was not a smile that was stained with abandonment and resignation as it usually was. It was a smile that seemed that she found the situation truly amusing.


Noticing the difference, Dehart’s eyes widen in surprise for an instant before narrowing again. There was uncertainty in his eyes.




He felt a strange sense of discomfort at the back of his neck. It was usually Sebelia who would act flustered and attempt to cling to him whenever he acted cold towards her.


However, it was different today. With a subtle smile on her face, she looked at him with indifference.


Dehart wiped off the sweat on his face and turned away. An inexplicable unpleasantness ran through his body. No, not really unpleasantness, per say. But something else that I just can’t seem to put my finger on.


The feeling only lasted for a moment.


As always, Dehart replied sarcastically.


“Are you here to gather information from me again for your family? If that’s not the case, there is no reason for you to come looking for me.”


Although he looked indifferent, the words that came out of his mouth were cold and hurtful.


In the past, I’d have prayed with all my might that he wouldn’t be so bitter and suspicious of me.


He will never believe me no matter what I say.


This has happened countless times already.


Sebelia stifled a weary sigh. Thankfully, my heart has hardened so much that it will no longer hurt over such things.


Yeah, that’s why I’m dying.


Coming back to her senses, Sebelia brought up the issue that had brought her to the greenhouse.


“Actually, I came here to ask if I could leave a day later.” 


“Ridiculous. Is that what you wanted to talk about?” Dehart chuckled as if what she had said was beyond absurd.


“I was thinking that by arriving late this time, your father would in turn benefit from it.”


He nonchalantly fiddled with the roses that were piled on the table. One of the sharp thorns pricked his finger.


“That’s not what I meant.”


If it were before, I would have easily given up and left. Rather than conceding, Sebelia approached him with a calm face.


“Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary.”


At this, Dehart just looked at her silently.


“I know that you wouldn’t remember such an insignificant thing. I’m not trying to find fault in you. I just want to be with you this one time… What I want to say is--” Sebelia was cut off by Dehart.


“Is it a day to celebrate?” there was a chilly expression on Dehart’s face.


Sebelia was at a loss for words.


“Ah, that must have been the case for you. Yes…”


There was a flash of anger in Dehart’s eyes. Blood dripped as the thorns of the roses embed into his flesh as he gripped tightly.


 “Even if you had a good upbringing, an illegitimate child of a marquis won't have many chances to marry a duke.”


Dehart glared at her coldly.


Sebelia looked back at him silently without giving away any of her emotions.


“… you never change.”


From the very beginning, there was no love between the two of them in the marriage. It was a marriage set by their predecessors. It was because of her older sister, Nelia, that Sebelia got married to the Duke. The marriage was a union without love and understanding. Worse, Dehart regarded Sebelia as an eyesore.


“I’m generous with people who have a good grasp of the subject.”


Those were the first words from the man whom Sebelia fell in love with at first sight.


 “I’d like to believe that you are such a person.”


“I hope that you do not fail my expectations, wife.”


Sebelia, who was inclined to the idea of marrying him, was shocked. Dehart, on the other hand, did not have such inclination. Although it was a political marriage, Sebelia had hoped that with time and effort, the relationship between them would improve.


However, such fairytale endings do not exist.


It was already set; from beginning to end.


He was a man who never intended to love me, and I was foolish enough to want to be loved by him. 


With a bitter smile on her lips, Sebelia spoke in a clear voice.


“I’ve always wanted  to ask you this.”


“I’m surprised that you still have more to say. How astounding.”


“Would you still have acted the same if it was Nella instead of me?”


Dehart frowned at the sudden mention of the name.


Nelia Weddon. 


She was Sebelia’s half sister- the other daughter of Marquis Weddon, an enemy of the Inverness Duchy.


“If it were my sister, would you have been together with her on your wedding anniversary?”


Sebelia asked calmly as she swept away a strand of her golden hair. It was as if she already knew the answer. Her predictions were never wrong.




The voice that was as cold as the northern wind stated the facts.


“If I could, I’d like to see the blood running from all the Wedens.”


There was a strange expression on Sebelia’s face upon that statement. It was neither a smile nor frown.


Dehart’s face paled upon seeing it, but Sebelia was too distracted with the emotions that raged within her to notice. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes.


That’s a relief.


Because I’m not the only one you despise.


The moment he said that he hated everyone from the Weden bloodline, Sebelia felt like a weight was lifted off her chest.


Perhaps it’s because I’m about to die soon?


It is the first time I’ve felt so… strange…


“Is there anything else you wish to say?”


Sebelia smiled at her husband who in turn frowned.


“I’m sorry for taking up your time over something insignificant.”


Without waiting for a reply, Sebelia promptly left the greenhouse and headed straight to her room. She did not even spare a glance at the butler who looked at her with a strange look.


Upon entering her room, Sebelia locked the door and went straight to the coldest and darkest corner of the room- where even the sun rays could not reach. Then she bit on her lower lip as if she was anticipating for something to happen.






Crouched in the corner alone, she  wiped away the blood from her mouth.


[At most, you only have 6 months.]


Sebelia recalled the words of the doctor who had secretly examined. She remembered smiling at his steadfast demeanour.


[That’s a relief. At least if I die, you will always stay the same.]


Sebelia retrieved a bag she had tucked under the bed with a placid expression.




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