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Chapter 2:

Translator: Devlin
Editor: Devlin

There’s only six months left.


It is a short time compared to the 27 years she had lived in total so far. However, six months should give her enough time for one last trip.


Sebelia smiled faintly as she looked down at the neatly packed clothes in her suitcase. The suitcase had been placed under the bed but not in an entirely inconspicuous manner. Even so, no one had ever discovered it.


Then again, it was not a surprise. After all, none of the servants talk to her, let alone bother to clean her room.


Will they notice my disappearance once a month or so has passed?


Although the people in the Inverness Duchy all live on the same property, they did not acknowledged Sebelia’s existence and continued to ignore her. It was here that Sebelia came to realize that the indifference was far worse than being despised.


Yes, they treat me no differently than how my husband does.


At that thought, Sebelia could not help but sigh as she closed the suitcase and pushed it under the bed.



Knock. Knock.



The unfamiliar knocking on the door surprised her. Similar to a threatened small bird, Sebelia’s hair looked like ruffled feathers when her personal space is being intruded upon. 




Sebelia’s shoulders relaxed the moment she heard the familiar voice.


There was only one person in that desolated mansion who would call Sebelia ‘Milady’. No, she is the only person to ever address me this warmly.


“Come in, Denisa.”


The door opened and a middle-aged woman with a kind expression on her face entered. Unlike the other servants at the mansion, Denisa wore no uniform and was a nanny who took care of Sebelia since childhood. Moreover, Denisa was the only servant to follow and continue serving Sebelia upon her marriage and becoming the Duchess of the Inverness dukedom.


“Is something the matter? Isn’t it passed the time you get off work?”


As a result of an incident, Denisa was currently lodging outside of the Inverness estate. It was also one of the discriminations, but Sebelia did not have the power to protest against it—and both Denisa and Sebelia were well aware about it.


“What’s the matter? Who is saying weird things this time?”


Looking somewhat upset, Denisa shook her head at that question before reaching out and clasping Sebelia’s hand.

”You weren’t going to tell me until the very end.”


“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”


Denisa peered into Sebelia’s eyes. Sebelia immediately wanted to avert her gaze but could not bring herself to do so when she saw Denisa’s kind and sorrowful eyes.


She knows.


Sebelia inhaled sharply and felt dread at the pit of her stomach. I had asked for it to be kept as a secret, Sebelia bit her lip as she recalled the haggard-looking doctor who had attended to her condition.


The doctor, who was brought in by the nanny, has diagnosed Sebelia’s condition as untreatable as the disease was progressing far too quickly. 


Denisa should not learn of this, was Sebelia’s first thought upon learning about her condition.


Denisa is more motherly than my real mother whom I’ve never even seen my entire life. Moreover, she was the only one to follow me far up north when I got married. She was a woman who was despised merely because she serves me yet easily cried on my behalf. I’d asked that doctor to keep it a secret because I feared that she would faint if she ever heard that I was terminally ill. But there’s no use crying over spilt milk now. 


When Sebelia lowered her head without answering, Denisa continued with an irate tone, “This is all because of the Duke.”


Furious, Denise raised her voice in the unventilated room, “I told you that staying in this place would make you fall ill! So, please--!” 


Denisa faltered the moment she looked at Sebelia and reached out to stroke her mistress’ face.


“How about you just stay with me at my house?”


“You know I can’t do that.”


Sebelia shook her head. I was the one who chose this room to begin with. I couldn’t stand looking at Dehart’s hateful gaze whenever we bump into each other. 


“…And if a rumour were to be spread that they drove me out of the mansion and made me stay with the servant..."


Such a rumour, whether it was indeed true or false, would give the other main noble houses reason to oppose the Inverness duchy’s authority.


Thus, making any decision in such a matter would end up being entangled in the political dynamics.


The only thing an illegitimate child like me could do is to lay low and not cause any problems by getting caught in the storm.


“Even so, I appreciate your offer.”


“What the hell?! You’ve been bullied and married to a man who is worse than a dog!”


Denisa was in a murderous mood. She could slit Dehart’s throat if he stood in front of her at that very moment.


“They all deserve to die and go to hell.”


Sebelia could not help but smile at Denisa’s daring statement.




However, it was not actually a laugh that came out. It was something similar yet entirely different.




Sebelia tried to smile despite the fact that she had just coughed out blood. Denisa’s face paled.




“Don’t worry too much. It is not as painful as you’d think”, Sebelia said nonchalantly as she wiped away the blood. When Denisa still looked at her worriedly, Sebelia continued, “I’m telling the truth. Don’t be sad. I am fine. The pain is surprisingly bearable.”


However, Denisa knew that her mistress was just saying that in an attempt to lighten up the mood. If it had been the past, when Milady was healthy, I would have just sympathize with her and agreed that the Duke was the bad guy for being indifferent.


Denisa sighed. But for what reason now? Now, no matter what I do, it would feel like it is all for naught.


It all feels as if I’m merely a spectator who is watching as an outsider from another world.


Sebelia hugged the still anxious looking Denisa and said, “I’m going to run away.”


“Ah, yes… What?!”


“I want to live freely with the remaining time I have.”


Denisa’s worried expression changed as Sebelia casually pointed to the suitcase which was under the bed.


“I’ll leave in a week’s time. So, you don’t have to come to the mansion after today. I’m afraid that you’d be picked on when I leave.”


When Sebelia walked away, Denisa pressed her lips shut as if trying to stop herself from saying anything. Denisa looked troubles by something.




Sebelia urged Denisa upon noticing her expression. However, instead of immediately answering, Denisa held onto Sebelia shoulders firmly.






“Just this once, please listen to my request.”


Denisa hesitated for a moment before continuing.


“No, you definitely have to listen to this request… because you have always fiercely refused to move in with me.”




“Before you leave, you should at least grant me one last wish.” 


Denisa tightened her grip on Sebelia’s shoulders.


“If you just abruptly leave like this, I’m certain that Weddon will not leave you be.”


That was true. Since I am basically a prisoner sent to the Inverness Duchy in the name of reconciliation between the Northern and capital houses, my father would be livid the moment he discovers that I’ve run away. As a result, he would fire many people.


“Furthermore, you would not want to spend your final remaining days as a fugitive, right?” Denisa spoke in a determined tone.


Sebelia bit on her lips because she knew that Denisa was right. Considering my current situation, if I were to abruptly leave without any countermeasures, it is highly likely that I’d be caught very easily. All because I have nothing.


Sebelia’s shoulders droop as she considered the reality of her situation. 


Denisa pulled Sebelia close and whispered into her mistress’ ear, “Actually, for Milady…”


Sebelia inhaled sharply. She shut her eyes which trembled.




After she left, Dehart threw away the bouquet of flowers he was holding.


Blood-soaked thorns glistened under the light sunrays that streamed through the window. Dehart simply gazed at the messy greenhouse floor. Then, he raised his head, looking somewhat at a lost.


There was coldness in his golden eyes. Dehart, who had been staring off into space for a long time as if contemplating something, abruptly stormed out of the greenhouse.


It was his uncle, Lash, who stopped him from going any further. For a brief moment, annoyance flashed in Dehart’s eyes.




“You've been spending time in the greenhouse again.”


Lash grimaced as if he was reproaching a child and brushed off the dirt from Dehart’s elbow.


“There isn’t much time before you have to depart. Come on.”


At Lash’s blunt reprimand, DeHart simply stared down at him without uttering a word.


“What’s up with you?” Lash asked as he tidied up Dehart’s dishevelled clothes and tapped at his nephew’s chest with the back of his hand. 


But Dehart continued to be silent. Instead, he gazed passed his uncle to where Sebelia’s room was located. He looked as if he was longing for something.


That damn room that she stays at by her own volition is nothing but like a prison.


It was a room bare of decorations and only had the necessary furniture for an occupant to stay in, nothing more. Dark grey curtains draped across its windows throughout the year.


Realizing where Dehart was looking towards, Lash shook his head with disbelief. There was annoyance in Lash’s eyes.


“You’d better leave her alone.”


Noticing the reluctance in Lash’s demeanour, Dehart asked, “What happened?”


He stayed at the mansion for very few days a year. So, he would not know of any incidents or occurrences that take place unless it is serious. 


Lash hesitated for a moment before replying


“… that Weddon woman—no… There has been an unpleasant rumour concerning Sebelia.”


“An unpleasant rumour?”


“It’s hard to say it myself, but there is a rumour that she has been bringing a man into her bedroom.”


Instantly, the atmosphere around them froze and shattered like glass.


“That’s absolute nonsense”, Dehart growled. His golden eyes shone in anger.


“I will let it slide and deem it as a mistake on your part for even thinking that that rumour held any truth to it. Also, don’t you ever stand in front of me and call her ‘Weddon woman’ again.”


Dehart attempted to leave upon making that scathing statement as an indication that that was the end of the conversation. However, before he could do so, his uncle grabbed on to him.




“Hold your tongue!”


Despite the warning in Dehart’s voice, Lash did not back down. Instead, Lash just stared blatantly at his nephew.


“As you know, such rumours aren’t groundless or without basis. You know that she is not truly a person of the Inverness Duchy!”


“What exactly are you trying to say?”


A frightful gaze bored at Lash but he swallowed his saliva and continued.


“We have to seriously consider this situation- for the sake of family’s reputation…”


“Oh, Uncle.”


Dehart snorted and Lash raised up his head to look. Within the narrowed gaze, there was a wistful glow in those golden eyes.


“No one would consider this situation more seriously than I.”


There was a gleam in Dehart’s eyes as he leaned close and brushed off Lash’s hand which gripped it his shirt’s sleeve.


“How much more serious should I be when there is a vermin who doubts my wife’s modesty and dare stir up trouble in my courtyard?” Dehart growled in a low yet terrifying voice.


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